Sunday, October 14, 2012

Greetings from 30,000 Feet: Part 3

Check out Part 1 and Part 2!

When I got on my laptop the next day, I saw an email in response to a job I had applied for at the U.S. Ski and Snowboard Association. I had applied on a whim after Karen had sent the job description to me, figuring there was no way I’d get a job there since I wasn’t exactly an expert on skiing and snowboarding. But, they wanted to interview me! So, I emailed them back, detailing my travel schedule and when I could talk. I ended up having my first interview in San Diego airport the next day, since I’d opted to head home to Indiana for a week after London with my newly open schedule.

Side note: I got upgraded to BusinessElite on Delta on my flight home from London. BEST. FLIGHT. EVER. After drinking my welcome champagne, I read a newspaper they provided me with, had a four-course meal with an ice cream sundae bar and a flight attendant constantly refilling my wine glass, watched several movies and slept in my lie-flat seat. They also provided me with a down comforter, amenity kit (with sleep mask, ear plugs, toiletries, etc.) and noise cancelling headphones. Awesome!

My first interview went well, but I was still skeptical about how qualified I was for the position, so I kept applying for jobs and applied for unemployment benefits.

Lo and behold, shortly after I applied for unemployment benefits, they called and offered me the job!

So, the first order of business upon returning to San Diego (well, other than getting a nice tan before heading to the mountains) was arranging everything because I was moving to Park City, Utah!

I was rather skeptical about moving to Utah (I’m noticing the word “skeptical” a lot here…but hey, it all worked out) because I’d never been north of I-70 in that state (and that was just when I was driving from Colorado to San Diego). Everything south of I-70 is desert and there’s very little population to be seen. Still, everyone insisted that Salt Lake City was a “real city,” so I went for it.

I moved to a city I’d never seen.

Even for me, that was a bit of a leap of faith! I’ve moved plenty of times…last time, I’d only been to San Diego once and that was for the job interview. But sight unseen when I could possibly end up living there for years? This was definitely a first for me.

Mom flew out and made the drive to Park City with me in a VERY packed car. I didn’t take anything that wouldn’t fit in my car, although Karen did ship a few small things to me.

And so far, Park City is treating me well!

Work is going well. The people I work with are excellent and very friendly. The mountain landscapes are gorgeous. I found an amazing place to stay with two roommates who seem like they’ll be a good match. And, of course, it’s all at a fraction of San Diego rental costs!

Now, I’m on a plane headed to New York City for the weekend. Tonight, I’m hanging out with my Uncle Jeff and exploring parts of the city that I haven’t seen (since last time I was there, I didn’t leave Manhattan except to go to the airport). Tomorrow, I’m celebrating my friend Margaux’s 21st birthday! I fly back to SLC on Monday night.

Phew. There’s the lowdown on my life. And all it took was a 4.5-hour plane ride to get it out of me :)

Thanks for following and thanks for listening…hope you all enjoy the randomness that is the life of Riley!

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