Thursday, October 11, 2012

Greetings from 30,000 Feet: Part 1

Greetings from an airplane!

Well, not really. I am not going to pay out the ass for in-flight internet service, so this will really be posted once I’m back on the ground.


So, I realized that I haven’t really given a substantive update on my life on here lately. I’ve given you plenty of information about me as a person, but not what this person is doing. I kind of realized that after receiving a text from a family member asking about San Diego…and I moved away from San Diego about two weeks ago.

Life has been, in a word, interesting.

On August 13, the Olympics were over, I was still in London and looking forward to exploring for two days with my friend and roommate (in San Diego and London), Karen. She was leaving on the 15th along with most everyone else from work, so I wanted to spend some time with all of them before I was on my own for a week.

Then, August 14th rolled around. I woke up in the morning and saw an interesting Olympic-related article on the internet and decided to share it on some work social media pages. To my utter shock, when I got on Facebook, I had been removed as an admin on the dozens of pages I had run for Ludus. Wondering if there was some strange sort of internet issue, I tried to log into the hosting site we used and check the network status. The password had been changed.

Now, there had been rumors flying around for quite awhile that some people would be getting the boot at the end of the Olympics. I even point-blank asked my supervisor before leaving for London if I needed to be looking for a new job. He said no.  Since I had a skill set that no one else in the office had, I figured I was safe.

Joke was on me.

I called my supervisor immediately after seeing the changed passwords. “So, [insert name here], am I getting fired this afternoon?”

His response: “Ummmmm. Let me call you back.”

Of course, he never did.

Turns out, the same admin removal thing had happened to Karen, so we had an idea that our “exit interviews” that afternoon, purportedly for us to discuss our London experience with the company, were going to be “firing sessions.”

To be continued...Part 2 will be posted later today!

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