Tuesday, November 20, 2012

30 Questions: The Greatest

What is the thing you most wish you were great at?

MUSIC!! I've always loved music! If you've ever been in a car with me, you've heard me singing (although I cannot guarantee the quality of that singing). I've never stuck with any instruments, though, and I wish I had the ability to play them. I can knock out a few chords on the guitar or play a rudimentary piece on the piano, but I've never been able to do either well. I can read music and have even taken the time to sound out tunes on the piano so that I can write them down...but a quick little melody line doesn't sound all that exciting without harmonies to go with it!

Some of you have also read the song lyrics I have written. I wish I had the talent to put them to music. I always have a tune in my head when I write the words (hence why I call them songs and not poems), but I lack much in terms of ability to write the actual music down.

So, there you have it. I'd love to be a musician!

Bonus picture of me being Lady Gaga back in grad school

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