Wednesday, September 12, 2012

30 Questions: 3 Fears

“I don’t believe you should be ruled by fear in anything in life. I don’t like anything that scares me, I prefer to face it head-on and get over it. Anyone who says they’re not scared is a fool or a liar or both. I just don’t want that fear in my stomach to be a part of my life, so I work to eliminate it.” 
- Anderson Cooper

So, three fears...

A little preface about me and fears: much like the Anderson Cooper quote above, I believe in facing fears head-on.  When I'm afraid of something tangible, I make a point of doing just that.  For example, I was afraid of, when the opportunity presented itself at Late Nite in college, I went and held a couple of snakes. While I'm still not exactly a fan of snakes, I can say I'm not afraid of them anymore.

That being said, there are non-tangible things that I certainly have fears about.

1.) Failure. I've always been a bit of a perfectionist and hold myself to high standards, particularly where academics and career are concerned.  I'm not entirely sure where this one came from, but I'm guessing it has something to do with being the oldest child and always wanting to be someone for my siblings to look up to.  Going along with this, I'm afraid of what I consider failure in my personal life: not getting married and being a mother somewhere down the road.  I've never had much success in romantic relationships, and being the nomad I am, I'm guessing it'll take a very special person who wants to wander around the world with me.  I've accepted that there's little I can do other than be open to possibilities in that area of life, so here's to hoping something great comes along!

2.) Getting old.  This one's both exciting and terrifying to me.  I look forward to seeing my friends and family experience life and growing with them.  I'm terrified, though, of failing health, losing control of my body and experiencing the loss of loved ones.

3.) Fanatics/extremists in positions of power.  I don't care what people believe...I'm a staunch advocate of separation of church and state and respect for individual beliefs.  However, I am not okay with people trying to legislate their extreme views or opinions.  I won't get into it here, but I could go on all day.  Some of the officials and politicians out there are absolutely terrifying to me.

There you go.  I'm two for two so far on this thing!

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