Thursday, December 20, 2012

30 Questions: Hobbies

List your top 5 hobbies and why you love them.

1.) Cooking - I've loved cooking my entire life. My earliest memories are of cooking! I don't know why I love it so much...I think it has to do with the cultural element of food. It brings people together, no matter where they're from or who they are. It's something everyone has in common. Nobody gets mad when you bring them delicious food!

2.) Shopping - It's always been a stress reliever for me, which is odd since my family tends to not particularly enjoy it. There are few things that make me happier on a Saturday afternoon than going to the mall and just leisurely wandering around. I don't have to buy anything...I just enjoy going. Yes, I know it's weird.

3.) Traveling - I don't feel like I should have to explain this one! There's so many amazing things you can get out of travel. From the bit of traveling I've done, I've gained new favorite foods, a new appreciation for different cultures, language skills, friends, indescribable experiences...the list could go on for ages. The magical thing about travel is that it changes you as a person for the better. I wish everyone could dive into another culture with an open'd make the world a better place.

4.) Exercising/Being Active - While I sometimes have a love/hate relationship with the gym, I love being active, particularly when it doesn't seem like I'm doing it solely for the exercise aspect. Whether it's throwing on a pair of skis and or going for a walk, I love being able to get out, experience nature and appreciate my body for the amazing things it is capable of doing.

5.) Writing - I've always expressed myself far better through written words than spoken ones. Writing just makes sense to me. I love it and I would not be who I am without it.

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