Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Why I Am in Favor of Love (and You Should Be, Too)

While I'm normally tolerant of others' political opinions, there comes a time when people are just flat out wrong. With the Supreme Court hearing oral arguments on the legality of California's Proposition 8 today, I can't hold this one in anymore.

If you are not in support of the legalization of same-sex marriage, the fact of the matter is that you are a bigot. Plain and simple. Two guys or two girls getting married has absolutely ZERO impact on your life or your marriage. Banning same-sex marriage does not stop people from being gay or having children or anything else. It simply makes life more difficult for people who choose to be in those relationships. How would you feel if you were told that you could not visit your wife or husband on their deathbed because, in the eyes of the government, you aren't married? How would you feel if you and your husband or wife divorced and you had no legal right to visit with your child because, in the eyes of the government, you were never legally together?

The word "marriage" means different things when we apply it to churches and governments. The government will never legislate what a marriage is in your church. If your church feels that two men shouldn't be able to get married, guess what? Your church doesn't have to marry those two men. If your church believes marriage in all forms is evil and refuses to perform any marriage ceremonies? Also fine. The government won't force it to marry anyone. A government-recognized marriage does not have anything to do with the church.

If you don't approve of same-sex marriage because of religious reasons or simply because you're close-minded, that's fine. You're entitled to your opinion. But that absolutely does not mean you should actively work towards making it illegal for the people who do want it. As I mentioned above--your life will not be impacted AT ALL by same-sex couples getting married. Stop being hateful simply to be hateful. It's not a pretty color on anyone. Just think of how all those anti-interracial marriage protestors look today. If you'd like a 30-page dissection of why banning same-sex marriage is unconstitutional, please let me know and I'm happy to provide it.

So please, for everyone's sake, read the Constitution. Be a decent human being. Put yourself in someone else's shoes.

No one likes a bigot.

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