Thursday, June 6, 2013

Memorial Day Adventures

This year, I had absolutely no plans for Memorial Day. I took a last-minute dogsitting job for Friday and Saturday since it appeared that my long weekend was going to consist of little more than an extra day of sleeping in. However, I ended up with a much more exciting weekend than I'd planned on!

On Friday night, I ended up going bowling with a big group of people. I only knew a few of them, but we all had a great time drinking and eating and bowling! However, I regret to inform you all that I still remain a miserable bowler.

On Saturday, my roommate Debbie and I headed to the Provo River to go kayaking! It's a pretty tame river, so there were very few rapids to mention, but we had a good time and got some sun. The water was freezing, but the weather was quite warm, so it was a nice combination!

After rafting, we decided to go to Provo (the city) because we were so close (the kayak ride ended about 10 minutes outside of Provo). Now, I was a little nervous about this because there's just something about Provo that freaks me out. It's a beautiful place, but the 90% (or something around that) Mormon population makes for an almost Twilight Zone-like 1950's environment everywhere. It even freaks out Debbie and she's Mormon! But I had heard about an amazing cupcake place there, so I was willing to step outside of my comfort zone for some amazing cupcakes!

And my goodness, were they amazing! It was well worth the trip! I stockpiled a few to take back to Park City with me.

Fun fact: I am holding hot chocolate, not coffee as I usually would with cupcakes. They don't sell coffee at this cupcake place because it's basically on BYU's campus and Mormons can't drink coffee! They make a mean salted caramel hot chocolate, though!

They had an ingenious take on the classic red velvet cupcake that perfectly resolved my issue with that flavor. To me, most places have a red velvet cupcake that is essentially a weak chocolate one with red food coloring. They lack any real, strong flavor. But - The Cocoa Bean Cupcake Cafe serves their red velvets with chocolate cream cheese frosting! Problem solved!

Fun fact: Those are the same kind of sprinkles they use at Sprinkles, my favorite cupcake place.

Anyways, post-cupcakes, we made our way back to Park City via Salt Lake (had to make a quick stop at City Creek for some shopping!) and I returned to my regularly scheduled weekend dogsitting.

On Monday, I headed down to Salt Lake to meet up with Korey and Ashley for an adventure up to Idaho! We left bright and early in order to make it to Twin Falls, Idaho, by lunchtime. After hours of driving through little more than desert and ranch land, we ended up at Shoshone Falls. It appears out of nowhere!

We hiked around a bit before deciding to head into town for lunch. Unfortunately, there wasn't much to choose from in Twin Falls, so we ended up at Sonic. Being deprived Utahns, we had to, of course, make a stop at the grocery store for some...important items.

Yay for avoiding state-run monopolies on alcohol!

Needless to say, I'm set on wine for awhile.

On our way back to Salt Lake, we took a detour through ranches and desert to Spiral Jetty, an art installation on the north end of Great Salt Lake. It is super remote, although we did go by a rocket fuel manufacturer on our way. Their campus looked straight out of the Cold War and had some rocket models set up for random travelers like ourselves who wandered by.

Finally, we made it out to the lake. We couldn't have asked for a better day to go! The wind wasn't bad, so the water was very still and allowed for some awesome reflections. There weren't many people around, so Korey and I (both of us like to dabble in photography) were able to snap a few dramatic shots. We each took turns climbing out as far as we could get on the rocks. Here's a few of the unedited photos...

Probably my favorite shot of the day

If you ever find yourself randomly in northern Utah, it's definitely worth the detour to check out Spiral Jetty. Make sure you check the water levels first, though, because it isn't always visible!

On our way home, we stopped at a Cracker Barrel in Ogden for a fantastic, hearty dinner. It was the perfect way to end a long day and cap off a great weekend!

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