Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Today, something happened that has never happened before in my life.

I ran...and I enjoyed it.

For the past 25 years of my life, running and I have not been friends.  I had asthma, occasionally broke out in hives mid-run, got dizzy, etc. Basically, running meant feeling like I was dying, and I was never really a fan of that.  So I biked, ellipticalled, speedskated, lifted and did just about any exercise I could think of in order to avoid running and still stay healthy.

Fast forward to last year.  My sister inspired me to sign up for a sprint triathlon.  Despite my dislike of running, I started attempting a little 5k loop in Colorado Springs (the Jack Quinn's loop for those of you Colorado Springs folks out there).  It didn't really stick, though, and when I decided to move to San Diego (thus making me unable to do the triathlon), I got out of the habit.

Now, San Diego has AMAZING weather.  Going to a gym here feels like it should be a crime since there's gorgeous parks and beaches to enjoy.  So, after having little success when it came to finding a decent local gym with a pool, I decided I was going to suck it up and run.  First, it was just a weekly run when I felt guilty about being lazy.  Then my friend Karen and I got the crazy idea to sign up for a half marathon.

The first month of training sucked...same old feeling like dying while running.  But, I had promised Karen I'd train with her, so I stuck with it (as much as I've always been a loner when it comes to working out, having a running buddy has been infinitely helpful if for no other reason than it forces me to get out of bed and run).

A few weeks ago, I got a shin splint in my right leg.  It was painful and forced me to reassess my old running shoes (old trail shoes that I used to use on the Incline!).  After two weeks off, I was ready to put my new shoes to use, so I was kind of looking forward to running again (yes, new workout clothes/shoes/etc. are a guaranteed way to get me to work out).  Not really the feeling of it, but the whole health factor.  I had signed up for a 5k in Crown Point last Saturday, so I figured that was the perfect time to jump back in.  It wasn't a very long run, the course was flat and I could always walk if I needed to.

I ended up running the whole 5k without stopping (an achievement for me, since my generally horrible attitude with running usually results in me stopping and walking just because I don't like running) and got a personal best time.  So, when I went to do my training run today, I figured I'd at least run for the first 3.2 miles since I knew I could.

Then I ended up running 4.05 miles and still felt like I could run more...only I had to get back to work!  I was smiling during my run.  I wasn't mentally tallying how many songs had played so far and trying to calculate how that translated into miles.  I wasn't thinking about how much I had left.  Instead, I was looking at the sailboats in the harbor.  I was humming along to songs absentmindedly.  I was people watching and wondering whether they were tourists or business travelers.

Somehow, all the things that typically distract me melted away.  And I just ran.

That's not to say running is going to magically be awesome every time I do it now.  But...it was awesome today, and now I know that it can be fun.  And after all, if it can be today, I know it can be tomorrow, too!

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