Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Burning Up

It's officially summer in Colorado...which means it is officially HOT!!!

Today, it's supposed to be 95 degrees.

My apartment (along with much of the apartments out here) is not air conditioned.  This is fine at night because it still gets decently cold at night.  Until the sun sets behind the mountains, though, it's pretty toasty!

Still, I've had a lot of fun in the heat!

The other night, Margaux and her sister, Isabella (who's in town for a week or so), came over and we danced and just goofed around.  This, of course, included some very random pictures!

Last week, I participated in Ad2 Denver's annual kickball tournament with a bunch of people from Vladimir Jones, the advertising agency where I work.  We unfortunately didn't do so well...but we did well enough that we didn't make it into the losers bracket (but not well enough to get in the winners bracket, either!).  We all had a lot of fun, though.  It seemed to me that the day is more about making connections with other people in advertising (both on the agency and the vendor side) and lots and lots of drinking.  I volunteered to be DD, though, so no boozing it up for me!

Triathlon training has been consuming a little bit more of my life lately, as well.  August 28th isn't too far away and, although I can already swim, run and cycle the distances of the triathlon I will be doing, I don't want to just show up and do it.  I want to really give it my all!  Last night, I had the best swim I've had in years...I swam 1100 yards (a little less than twice the distance I'll be swimming in August), all at a brisk pace.  Sometimes, I have a tendency to get lazy and linger at the ends of the pool since I'm awful at flip turns and don't generally (and by "generally," I mean "ever") do them, but I was actually swimming to the wall and immediately going back out.  I am even getting the hang of this whole breathing to the side thing (although having long bangs does not make this so fun...gotta get a swim cap!).  I'm very thankful for the people who have helped me out with everything so far!

On Friday, Lola and I are heading to Indianapolis for a week to spend the 4th with family!  Not looking forward to the drive through Kansas in 100 degree weather, but it'll be nice to see everyone again!

Run, Riley, run!

30 Days of Photos - Day 15

Day fifteen - A photo of something you want to do before you die

Yes, I'm showing my girly side that I usually like to hide.  I want to get married someday...but I don't mean the big, white dress, big, fancy church traditional wedding!  I've never been very enamored with the idea of a big wedding, and I can't imagine myself getting married indoors.  What I really want is a tiny destination wedding on a beautiful, far away beach somewhere.  As part of a very large, very close extended family, I never thought this would be an option so that's probably why I wanted it...but the older I've gotten, the more I've realized that I can have that.  I'll just throw a big reception party with an open bar when I get back ;)

Monday, June 6, 2011

30 Days of Photos - Day 14

Day fourteen - A photo of someone you could never imagine your life without

So, I'm cheating and choosing two people I couldn't imagine my life without!  I honestly don't have any memories of life before my brother and sister were around.  We've lived all over the country together, shared crazy childhood adventures and continue to have way too much fun together as adults (and referring to my sister as an adult is strange).  I'm so very blessed to have two siblings who are not only my family but two of my very best friends.  BroPod and Sistradre - couldn't ever imagine not having you guys around!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

30 Days of Photos - Day 13

Day thirteen - A photo of your favorite band/artist

It's virtually impossible for me to choose just one favorite artist or band because I absolutely adore music...but I'm going with Coldplay because they've been around for awhile and I've never lost my love for them.  I get quite irritated when people say all their music sounds the same...listen to the Parachutes album and then Viva La Vida and you'll have two totally different listening experiences!  They have a perfect song for every mood and every feeling...and I've got a hunch that their music will remain relevant to my life for quite awhile!  By the way...they put on one of the best live shows I've ever been to!